
In our CSA the members provide financial support through a fixed monthly payment for a small family farm in the village of Oberalben, near Kusel. In exchange the members share in the farm’s products and harvest. The members also have the option to actively participate in the farm work and help in the organization of the farm or participate in the selection of the crops for the annual calendar.

The farm produces vegetables, grains, and potatoes for the members in both greenhouses and garden lots. All crops are grown following the criteria and recommendations for organic farming (without certificate), and with an emphasis on heirloom varieties. For our vegetables and fruit, the taste is more important than the appearance!
The farm expands the variety of products through home-made bread, flour, pasta, honey, jam, and much more.

The farm’s dual-purpose chicken like Sulmtaler, for example, provide all members with fresh eggs.
Our bees provide a valuable service to our farm’s ecosystem, and they provide our members with honey. In our sustainable circular agriculture, the animal feed is grown on the farm, and the animal dung serves as fertilizer for pasture, gardens, and in the greenhouses. Members with a meat-share receive sausages and meat from the chicken, geese, pigs, and from our Angus cattle. Our pasture-fed cattle spend most of the year outside, as do the free-range poultry.

Members are always welcome to actively support the farm through their energy and labor, and learn about the complex and multi-faceted work of organic farming. The members of the CSA also help to preserve a small family farm. In exchange, the members receive seasonal produce of high quality. Everything that the farm produces is shared among the CSA members.

The products of the farm are shared among the CSA members at the end of each week. CSA members can pick-up their share either in Kaiserslautern “Im Dunketälchen,” or in the Hofladen at the Mayweilerhof/Oberalben.


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